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Growth Marketing Software

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Growth Marketing Software for Ecommerce

If you sell online, then you need Action Alerts. This is growth marketing software for your online store that helps you make the most of every customer interaction. Action Alerts let you engage with customers post-purchase, helping you keep your brand in sight and secure repeat business.

SMS messages are effective! They have a 98% open rate, and most customers open them within 90 seconds of receipt. With Action Alerts, you’ll be able to engage your customers post-purchase to cross-promote related products based on their ecommerce order activity.

Start by creating your free account on ReadyCloud. Next, click on the orange megaphone to activate Action Alerts. You get the first 100 free. Use the premade templates to create beautiful email and text campaigns that resonate with your customers. No special skills are required to start using this revolutionary growth marketing tool right away.

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Growth Marketing Software for Ecommerce

If you sell online, then you need Action Alerts. This is growth marketing software for your online store that helps you make the most of every customer interaction. Action Alerts let you engage with customers post-purchase, helping you keep your brand in sight and secure repeat business.

SMS messages are effective! They have a 98% open rate, and most customers open them within 90 seconds of receipt. With Action Alerts, you’ll be able to engage your customers post-purchase to cross-promote related products based on their ecommerce order activity.

Start by creating your free account on ReadyCloud. Next, click on the orange megaphone to activate Action Alerts. You get the first 100 free. Use the premade templates to create beautiful email and text campaigns that resonate with your customers. No special skills are required to start using this revolutionary growth marketing tool right away.

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How It Works

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You get 100 Action Alerts with your FREE Trial.


Sync your eCommerce store to ReadyCloud.


Set your engagements and campaigns using Filters.


Get massive results as customers engage your Alerts.

[mk_padding_divider size=”20″][mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”large” letter_spacing=”2″ url=”/accounts/signup/” target=”_blank” align=”center” margin_right=”0″ visibility=”hidden-sm” bg_color=”#1650a3″]I WANT 100 FREE ACTION ALERTS. SIGN ME UP![/mk_button][mk_padding_divider]
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How It Works



You get 100 Action Alerts with your FREE Trial.


Sync your eCommerce store to ReadyCloud.


Set your engagements and campaigns using Filters.


Get massive results as customers engage your Alerts.

[mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” letter_spacing=”2″ url=”/accounts/signup/” target=”_blank” align=”center” margin_right=”0″ bg_color=”#1650a3″]I WANT 100 FREE ACTION ALERTS. SIGN ME UP![/mk_button][mk_padding_divider size=”60″]
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Changing the Way You Think About Post-Purchase Marketing

More than likely, the shopping cart you’re already using sends an order confirmation. But what happens after that? With the best text message marketing software for ecommerce, you could be using these emails to drive new business. Considering that emails have a nearly 62% open rate, beefing up your order confirmations is the perfect way to increase ROI from new and existing customers.

The reality is that your customers want you to reach out them. In fact, studies show that nearly 65% of consumers want to hear from the brands they do business with online. Since Action Alerts software for growth marketing can position your cross-sells to be based on individual order activity, they’re capable of generating a new order up to 28% of the time.

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Expect More from an Order Confirmation

More than likely, the shopping cart you’re already using sends an order confirmation. But what happens after that? With the best text message marketing software for ecommerce, you could be using these emails to drive new business. Considering that emails have a nearly 62% open rate, beefing up your order confirmations is the perfect way to increase ROI from new and existing customers.

The reality is that your customers want you to reach out them. In fact, studies show that nearly 65% of consumers want to hear from the brands they do business with online. Since Action Alerts software for growth marketing can position your cross-sells to be based on individual order activity, they’re capable of generating a new order up to 28% of the time.

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Nothing Gets it Done Quite Like a Friendly SMS/Text

How can the best growth marketing software for ecommerce help your brand engage customers post-purchase? Did you know that 98% of consumer open these messages within 90 seconds? Even better… many will click on through if your message is related to delivery or tracking.

SMS marketing for ecommerce is one of the most effective methods you can use to reengage consumers who’ve already completed the purchase cycle. Studies show that 75% of opt-in consumers prefer to get promotions, special offers and important updates via SMS. Now you can offer them this with Action Alerts.

Use Action Alerts to build campaigns based on things like purchase history, region, order status and more. Include elements like promotions, discount codes and even repurchase reminders. The sky is the limit and you’re in full control!

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Nothing Gets it Done Quite Like a Friendly SMS/Text

How can the best growth marketing software for ecommerce help your brand engage customers post-purchase? Did you know that 98% of consumer open these messages within 90 seconds? Even better… many will click on through if your message is related to delivery or tracking.

SMS marketing for ecommerce is one of the most effective methods you can use to reengage consumers who’ve already completed the purchase cycle. Studies show that 75% of opt-in consumers prefer to get promotions, special offers and important updates via SMS. Now you can offer them this with Action Alerts.

Use Action Alerts to build campaigns based on things like purchase history, region, order status and more. Include elements like promotions, discount codes and even repurchase reminders. The sky is the limit and you’re in full control.

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Marketing for Every Skill Level

Your shopping cart’s auto-responder is limited. What’s more, it’s preventing you from making the most of customer interactions post purchase. But more people engage, respond to and take action from these types of messages than any other type. It’s the best form of growth marketing that exists.

Action Alerts gives your online business the right tools to make every interaction count. You’ll have complete access to beautifully predesigned templates, or you can use the designer tools and create your own message from scratch. From HTML templates to ready-to-go premade ones, you’ll have everything you need to engage customers like never before.

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Marketing for Every Skill Level

Your shopping cart’s auto-responder is limited. What’s more, it’s preventing you from making the most of customer interactions post purchase. But more people engage, respond to and take action from these types of messages than any other type. It’s the best form of growth marketing that exists.

Action Alerts gives your online business the right tools to make every interaction count. You’ll have complete access to beautifully predesigned templates, or you can use the designer tools and create your own message from scratch. From HTML templates to ready-to-go premade ones, you’ll have everything you need to engage customers like never before.

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Engage, Grow & Refine

Your after-purchase campaigns can drive nearly as much business as your standalone marketing campaigns do, but only if you have the right tools available. With Action Alerts ecommerce growth marketing software, you can monitor, fine-tune and improve your campaigns over time to create interactions that resonate with customers and attract repeat business.

Nearly 65% of consumers think that brands should update them more often via SMS and email. SMS campaigns have seen unprecedented engagement increases over the past 5 years… to the tune of 86%. With these facts in mind, it’s time to rethink your internal marketing and start using the tool that does it all with Action Alerts.

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Engage, Grow & Refine

Your after-purchase campaigns can drive nearly as much business as your standalone marketing campaigns do, but only if you have the right tools available. With Action Alerts ecommerce growth marketing software, you can monitor, fine-tune and improve your campaigns over time to create interactions that resonate with customers and attract repeat business.

Nearly 65% of consumers think that brands should update them more often via SMS and email. SMS campaigns have seen unprecedented engagement increases over the past 5 years… to the tune of 86%. With these facts in mind, it’s time to rethink your internal marketing and start using the tool that does it all with Action Alerts.

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Performance Metrics

Action Alerts is your portal to better growth marketing. Integrated and detailed analytics gives you actionable insights into customer behavior. These metrics will tell you who’s engaging, clicking through and buying. Detailed reporting will help you improve your campaigns over time to drive more conversions.

Even better? Each report lets you dive deep into the details. For example, you can segment individual customers to learn what actions they took, whether they made a new purchase and so on. Use this data to make every campaign a raving success. The tools and the details are in your hands

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Performance Metrics

Action Alerts is your portal to better growth marketing. Integrated and detailed analytics gives you actionable insights into customer behavior. These metrics will tell you who’s engaging, clicking through and buying. Detailed reporting will help you improve your campaigns over time to drive more conversions.

Even better? Each report lets you dive deep into the details. For example, you can segment individual customers to learn what actions they took, whether they made a new purchase and so on. Use this data to make every campaign a raving success. The tools and the details are in your hands

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Your Brand, Your Voice

Action Alerts lets you send message in your brand’s voice. All you’ll need to do is spend a few minutes setting up your custom DNS in ReadyCloud. After that, every SMS and email you send will come from your company’s domain, instead of getting lost in the clutter of junk and spam folders.

You can attach as many aliases as you like to your Action Alerts outbound messages. You can even use different to and from addresses in your domain to tailor the message for different departments like sales, return, shipping and more.

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Your Brand, Your Voice

Action Alerts lets you send message in your brand’s voice. All you’ll need to do is spend a few minutes setting up your custom DNS in ReadyCloud. After that, every SMS and email you send will come from your company’s domain, instead of getting lost in the clutter of junk and spam folders.

You can attach as many aliases as you like to your Action Alerts outbound messages. You can even use different to and from addresses in your domain to tailor the message for different departments like sales, return, shipping and more.

[mk_padding_divider size=”20″][mk_fancy_title size=”28″ margin_bottom=”10″ font_family=”none” align=”center”]Get Started with ReadyCloud Today![/mk_fancy_title][mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”large” letter_spacing=”2″ url=”” target=”_blank” align=”center” bg_color=”#1e73be”]START YOUR 14-DAY FREE TRIAL NOW![/mk_button]

No Credit Card | No Commitment

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[mk_padding_divider size=”20″][mk_fancy_title size=”18″ margin_bottom=”10″ font_family=”none” align=”center”]Get Started with ReadyCloud Today![/mk_fancy_title][mk_button dimension=”flat” corner_style=”full_rounded” size=”medium” letter_spacing=”2″ url=”” target=”_blank” align=”center” bg_color=”#1e73be”]START YOUR 14-DAY FREE TRIAL NOW![/mk_button]

No Credit Card | No Commitment

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