Retargeting Statistics Paint Healthy Picture

Over the past 15 years, online marketing has changed with the times. Such is entirely true during the present day, when seemingly there are newer methods to attract, engage and reengage consumers all the time in a thriving online community.

With deeper analytics being provided, and with far more data culling than was ever previously possible, newer engines and services providers are cutting their teeth by introducing revolutionary services that are making retargeting a viable marketing prospect.

A quick look at the most current retargeting statistics is telling of just how far things have come along in this reengagement arena.

How Does Retargeting Work?

Retargeting is made possible by adding small snippets of code (provided by the elected services provider) to the website of any online merchant. When users bounce away from the website – a term that refers to users that visited and interacted with the site but did not make a sale – the retargeting code will track these users and supply a variety of media ads (text, banner, video, etc.) to reengage them at other sites that they may visit.

For example, if you have ever shopped at Target and then clicked away back to your Facebook page and saw a Target ad, you’ve been retargeted too. But just how effective is this reengagement process, and does it really serve as a reliable vehicle for driving more sales to your online store via reengagement?

Is Retargeting Effective?

According to Digital Information World, retargeting is one of the most viable methods of reengaging users and getting them to convert on a product or service that they have already bounced away from.

  • Users who are retargeted to are 70% more likely to convert.
  • Display ads get a click-through rate of 0.07%; retargeted ads get a click-through of 0.7%.
  • Retargeted ads have the potential to increase branded search exposure by more than 1,000%.
  • 46% of online marketers believe that retargeting is grossly underused.
  • 49% of major brands have now set aside specific budgets just for retargeting.

Retargeting statistics infographic courtesy of Wish Pond.

What’s Fueling Retargeting?

If you are curious as to what is fueling retargeting statistics, there are many underlying factors that come into the playbook. A Qualtrics survey found that more than 70% of digital marketers are now setting aside portions of their budgets for retargeting. This represents an increase of 50% since early 2013.

What’s more, the same report found that over 90% of digital marketers are finding that retargeting has a higher yield and sales lift than conventional methods, too. This is as compared to traditional search engine optimization, PPC, email marketing, public relations, print and media ads and others.

Over the past few years, retargeting has grown into a mighty marketing beast, helping millions of businesses convert on bounced users by utilizing a variety of creative marketing methods, according to E Consultancy. A quick look at a variety of retargeting services providers finds that many are utilizing vast networks that exceed over 2 million high-traffic web properties to facilitate the best results for their clients.

Inclusive of this expansive reach are: text ads, video ads, multimedia ads, email ads, banner ads, mobile ads, social media ads and more. Social media conglomerates have gotten aboard the bandwagon, too, with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Polyvore and Instagram all tooting their own retargeting horns.

Decade Long Cycle

In just ten years, retargeting has literally outgrown its shoes and could be said to be too big for its own britches, in a metaphorical sense. According to E Marketer, programmatic digital display ad spending is going to grow by an impressive 137% this year alone. The trickledown effect results actually in a downpour of monies, to the tune of $10 billion annually. Collectively, this accounts for approximately 45% of all digital ad spending by U.S. businesses.

Mobile growth is also a pertinent factor, too. According to Business Insider, mobile advertising is positioned to generate over $32 billion in annual revenue by the year 2018. This will denote a five-year compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 49.7% overall. It’s important to note that these retargeting statistics for mobile are not inclusive of mobile social media ads, either.

And, topping on the cake, CMO says that retargeting provides the healthiest lift of any marketing method that’s currently in use. To what extent? Try 1046% in lift. When accounting for the prospects of desktop, mobile, email, video and social retargeting statistics, it’s easy to understand why this is quickly becoming the hottest thing in digital marketing.

Retargeting statistics infographic courtesy of Wish Pond.

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