These Ecommerce WordPress Plugins Reduce Bounce Rates & Generate More Sales

If you’re using WordPress to power your ecommerce site, you’re not alone. According to, it powers 26% of all websites. That’s massive. But just how big is it?
Well, new WordPress statistics find that:
- 7 million new posts go up on WordPress monthly.
- Active users post 60.5 million comments per month.
- 1 million new domains are registered each month.
- There are 2.7 million searches for WordPress on Google monthly.
- There are more than 583,000,000 search results for “WordPress.”
- WordPress is now available in 62 different languages.
- The CMS attracts more daily traffic than Twitter does.
- There are more than 44,000 available plugins.
- Version 4.5 has more than 20 million downloads.
- It powers 30% of the top 1,000 websites online.
- The leading WordPress plugin has earned more than $12 million in lifetime sales.
Given these statistics about WordPress, it’s easy to understand why it’s the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world.
If you’re selling online using WordPress, you’re assuredly using WooCommerce to power your online store. If you want to kick things up a notch, reduce bounce rates, increase average order value, offer more effective call-to-actions, attract more newsletter signups and improve loyalty and retention substantially—make sure you don’t overlook the following ecommerce WordPress Plugins we’re about to reveal to you.
Read on to learn more.
ReadyCloud CRM – The “Unplugin”
The first plugin we’re going to talk about isn’t actually a plugin because it doesn’t require that you download or install anything into your WordPress website. This means that it won’t have any conflicting code, plugin conflicts, website bloat or other common issues experienced when adding a new customer relationship management plugin for WordPress.
ReadyCloud CRM is an elite ecommerce suite that’s hosted in the cloud. It doesn’t require any installation and works via API instead, acting as a cloud-based WooCommerce CRM software solution for your online store. ReadyCloud creates instant and highly detailed customer profiles based on your ecommerce order activity, and it also synchs with your Amazon and eBay store for a multichannel CRM, too.
What’s more ReadyCloud comes with powerful features like Tasks, which feature a Slack-like team management system, action alerts with custom recipes for complete automation, auto-tagging, color-coded event calendar, customer-focused notes, intelligent reporting, email marketing (via Constant Contact or MailChimp) point-of-sale (powered by Square) and premium plugins (available in the Appstore) that include: ReadyShipper X (ecommerce shipping software) and ReadyReturns (online product returns software).
Cost: 2 weeks free, no credit card needed, $24/month per user thereafter. Premium upgrades available in the Appstore.
Learn more about ReadyCloud CRM
Reduce Bounce Rate
When a website visitor comes to your site and leaves without making a purchase, this is commonly referred to as “bouncing” away. In ecommerce, this usually involves another pain point: The prospective customer adding something to the shopping cart and bouncing away. This is something commonly referred to in ecommerce as shopping cart abandonment.
Reducing cart abandonment means getting to know your visitor’s habits better. A common misperception is that a bounced user won’t become a future customer, and another is fed by bad data points that inflate bounce rates, sometimes by as much as 400%.
With Reduce Bounce Rate, you’ll be able to get complete insights into your visitors, who’s really bouncing, where they were on the page when they bounced and how long they spent on that page. With real-time updates every 10 seconds to Google’s Analytics, your PPC spend will improve, your marketing budget will become less stressed and you’ll have actionable data points you can use to improve the performance of all your most valuable pages.
Cost: Free/open source
Learn more about Reduce Bounce Rate
Calls to Action
A call to action is an integral part of any landing page or product page in ecommerce. It’s essential to getting conversions by encouraging users to take action based upon the unique value offerings of your online store. The right CTAs can help improve your average ecommerce conversion rate from a palsy 1%-2% to as high as 11.5%, according to recent studies.
Thank goodness for this next plugin, which is simply named: Call to Actions. It drops right into your WordPress site from the plugin store and gives you options for customized CTAs that match the theme, ebb, style and flow of your site without pandering users with annoying popups. Even better, this plugin is free!
Cost: Free/open source
Learn more about Call to Action
Optin Monster
Email marketing isn’t dead. In fact, it’s still one of the most effective forms of reaching out to new and existing customers. With recent email marketing statistics finding that emails are opened by at least 33% of recipients, it’s easy to see why it needs to be a part of your ongoing strategy.
It’s no mystery that building an email list is a tough prospect, which is why you’ll want something like Optin Monster to help you along the way via sweet automation. Optin Monster lets you offer customized opt-in forms to your website visitors with segmented lists and separated campaigns available, but it does so much more than just that!
You can A/B test these opt-in forms, it delivers key metrics on the behavior of your customers with personalization options, and it tracks all your numbers with detailed conversion analytics that help you stay on top of your game from day one. No wonder it’s used by more than 276,000 websites.
Cost: Starts at $9/month and up – CC required. Month to month billing, no contracts.
Learn more about Optin Monster
Need even more plugins? Check out this nifty infographic we came across from WP Clipboard.
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